Disney Creativity & Innovation

The Disney Creativity and Innovation college credit course combines theory and experiential assignments to introduce students to the main concepts of creativity and innovation.
Check out more details on the Disney Internships & Programs blog: https://disneyprogramsblog.com/creativity-and-innovation-couse-spotlight-2015/

What is the time commitment?


Is there group work required?


What are my responsibilities?


What about my work schedule?

This course is four hours once per week for 11 weeks.

There will also be group work, readings, and assignments that you will need to complete.


Yes.  There is both individual and group assignments as part of this course.  This includes a creativity journal, group presentation, and weekly assignments.



Attend Class

Actively Participate

Complete assignments on time





Your work schedule will be adjusted to allow you two hours of travel time before and after the course.  It’s possible that you will be scheduled to work on the same day that you have class. 

If you have a conflict, it’s possible to attend another section that is offered in a different day of the week with the permission of your instructor. 

By registering for this course, your work schedule will be capped at 45 hours per week to provide you sufficient time for your work schedule, course work, and social activities.