Disney Experiential Learning

The Disney Experiential Learning Course combines academic classroom education with a variety of self-directed learning opportunities. Classroom instruction centers on theories of adult learning, experiential learning, learning organizations, and conversational learning. Participants will explore a variety of learning styles and experiences to develop an understanding of their learning preferences. Gaining an insight into one’s personal learning preferences, enables individuals to increase their effectiveness in their career, relationships,  interpersonal communication and ongoing education. Students will have the opportunity to apply classroom learning in a group research project focusing on how a specific organization is applying Experiential Learning Theory in their operation. After acquiring a base knowledge from research, students will use the data acquired to propose strategies and tactics they can utilize in their future to increase their effectiveness. The Disney Experiential Learning Course also utilizes an Online Learning Community as a communication and learning tool.
What students will learn in this course:         
  • Recognize the importance of adult education and a commitment to life-long learning
  • Build transferable skills and knowledge related to adult learning styles
  • Integrate experiential learning, academic learnings, and work-related experiences to their Experiential Learning assignments
  • Explore the historical foundations of adult and experiential learning (John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, Malcolm Knowles, Jean Piaget)
  • Explore the experiential learning theory of David Kolb
  • Demonstrate an understanding of individuality in learning and learning styles
  • Recognize the value and uses of Conversational Learning
  • Identify the components of a learning organization

What students say about this course:

"This course has caused me to learn a lot about myself and how I learn.  I'm glad I took this course.“
"This course had an equal balance of hands-on and lecture-based learning, creating fun and interactive assignments and activities, thus making the class educational and enjoyable."
"Very entertaining while still an educational class that I suggest for people taking any major."