Blended Learning Series


10 weeks, 2-3 hours per week

Disneyland Resort

Earn Your Mouseters Degree!
Attend at least nine of the ten sessions, and you will be eligible to receive your very own Mouseters Degree!

You may have heard the saying “what goes around comes around.” We are going to trace one way that happens, starting with you. Our company invests in you in many ways, including providing you with developmental opportunities like this class.
In this class, we are going to consider that when you invest in yourself, live a purposeful and intentional life, and become the best you that you can, you also become a better Cast Member. As a better Cast Member, you provide our Guests with exceptional service and magical experiences that they never forget. Happier, more satisfied Guests appreciate you and the company, and their intent to return increases. As more Guests become advocates, the company becomes stronger. A stronger company has more to invest in its Cast Members and employees.
Thus, the investment that you make in yourself in this class becomes magnified because you not only enrich your life, but also the lives of our Guests and the success of the company.

Weekly Topics
Communication & Psychodynamic Approaches to Leadership
Leadership Guiding Principles In-Action
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Windows on Main Street & Heritage Experience

Disney Culture & Heritage

Leadership & Disney
Disney VoluntEAR Experience
Creativity & Innovation
Corporate Citizenship & Environmental Integration
Speakers and content are subject to change without notice